Libraries of Russia: 197th Imperial Public Library anniversary celebrations
Following a tradition on January 14 2011 the National Library of Russia is holding celebrations dedicated to 197th anniversary of the Imperial Public Library’s opening. In January 1814 the Imperial Public Library (today the National Library of Russia) was solemnly opened for its patrons.
On January 14 2011 the National Library of Russia (its main building) is holding a scientific and practical conference called “The National Library of Russia in the Russian Library Association”. The National Library of Russia aims to preserve and develop librarianship in Russia, protect interests of the Russian library community, and enhance prestige of libraries and social status of librarians. The National Library of Russia is a national member-association of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), it is developing cooperation with the Library Assembly of Eurasia, and is open for contacts with professional library associations worldwide.
On January 14 the library’s new building is opening an exhibition “Wonderful traits of my friends”. Among library’s donors are educational institutions, museums, funds, publishing houses, libraries, foreign organizations, and private individuals. An annual exhibition “Gifts of the National Library of Russia” showcases some editions and documents, donated to the National Library of Russia in 2010.
On January 14 the new building of the library is also launching an exhibition of books, dedicated to 300th birthday anniversary of the first academician of Russia M.V. Lomonosov “For the benefit and glory of Fatherland”. It will feature editions of the library’s holdings focused on the life and work of the scholar.
An exhibition highlighting M.V. Lomonosov’s birthday anniversary, which will be widely celebrated countrywide in 2011, has been organized by the National Library of Russia jointly with the Ministry of Culture of Russia.