Internet resources: Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts launches new site

20 February 2011
Source: RIA News

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts is launching its new modern portal on February 28.

The museum will offer its online visitors the latest technological solutions with multimedia technology, which would enable them to stroll along museum’s virtual halls, explore works in the smallest detail and choose thematic sections.

The new website, developed with support of the RF government and the Ministry of Culture of Russia, has been built on a so-called “planetary system” and consists of the main website with access to general information on the museum and websites-satellites, which contain detailed information on collection sections, departments and branches of the museum.

Over 60 members of museum’s staff teamed up to develop a new website. They presented scientific and popular science texts, prepared lists of artworks from museum’s halls and repositories, while technical work on design, content management system and digitization of artworks was fulfilled by “EPOS Group”.