Information technology and education: Seminar on foreign electronic resources in Moscow

14 February 2011
Source: RGGU

February 15, 2011 in the Hall of the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) held a seminar "Information support for research and education: foreign electronic resources for social sciences and humanities".

The program includes:

- presentation of resources of the leading foreign publishers and companies (Cambridge and Oxford Universities, Routledge, LexisNexis, American Psychology Association (APA), Brill, OECD iLibrary, De Gruyter, Serials Solutions, ProQuest и Emerald);

- training for scientific publications’ authors. Advices and recommendations on issues regarding the writing of articles and their preparation for publishing in foreign academic journals.

The seminar is attended by the leading experts of an English publishing house Emerald and KONEK agency.

The detailed program of the seminar is available on RGGU website.