Archives: Exhibition in Moscow celebrates the centenary of birth of Mstislav Keldysh

12 February 2011

A documentary exhibition called “Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh (1911–1978). Photo chronicle of life” that marks the centenary of birth of a great scientist in the field of mathematics and mechanics, and the developer of a science, kicked off on February 11 2011 at the exhibition hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Archive within the framework of the Year of Russian Astronautics.

The exhibition of photographs from the holdings of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the first time puts on display 220 rare photographs from an archive of the scientist and his colleagues. The exhibition casts the light on M.V. Keldysh as a scientist, developer of science and a man. Visitors of the exhibition have a chance to see family photographs of his childhood and school years (parents, great-grandmother, brothers), student days, family photographs with wife and children, photo portraits of the scientist, photographs showing Soviet and foreign scholars (Chaplygin, Tupolev, Ilyushin, Kapitsa, Paton, Prokhorov, Núñez Jiménez), cosmonauts (Gagarin, Titov, Popovich, Tereshkova, Nikolayev, Feoktistov), leaders of the USSR and other countries (Brezhnev, Khrushchev, Ustinov, J. Nehru, W. Ulbricht, R. Nixton), award ceremonies, sessions of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and foreign academies.

The photo chronicle of life of the academician M.V. Keldysh also features samples and sketches of an academic golden medal named after him, that was established in 1978 “For outstanding scientific works in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics, as well as theoretical research in exploration of space”, published works of the scientist and books about him from collections of the Library of Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.