Information technology and mass media: i-COMference in Moscow

10 February 2011

February 10-11, 2011 in Moscow takes place i-COMference. It focuses on the issues of socialization of modern media processes. The event is organized by “Internet in numbers” journal with the expert support of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications.

The conference discusses the status of traditional and online media, the future of printed editions and the evolution of journalism considering the influence of information technology. It also examines the issues of media convergence, interaction of mass media and social media, business models, technologies and solutions for newspapers, magazines, online publications of Internet radio and Internet television.

Another major topic of i-COMference should be partiipation of officials in the development of internet technology. Thus, within the conference, participants consider  the prospects of using social media and internet technologies to solve public problems, and also discuss the legal aspects of Internet companies, and possible changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The results of the "Blog Runet – 2011” competition will be summed up within the conference.