Memory of Russia: Ceremony in memory of Varyag heroes held in Vladivostok
The Orthodox service in memory of the 107th anniversary of the feat of sailors of the legendary cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreetz" was held February 9, 2011 at the Vladivostok Marine cemetery.
Two Russian warships - protected cruiser Varyag and the gunboat "Koreetz" - February 9, 1904 (new style), trying to break from the Korean port of Chemulpo to Port Arthur, entered the battle with the Japanese fleet of 14 ships. Within one hour of the sea battle, "Varyag" and "Koreetz” put out of action three cruisers and a destroyer, but were severely damaged also.
During the battle, which lasted 50 minutes, the cruiser "Varyag" received four underwater holes, only two of 12 guns remained in service, on board were 33 killed and 88 wounded. To not allow the enemy to capture the damaged ship, it was decided to sink the cruiser "Varyag", and to blow up the gunboat "Koreetz". The crews moved to foreign ships, which remained neutral.
Ceremony in memory of heroes was held at the memorial to the sailors of the cruiser Varyag. It was attended by the command of the Pacific Fleet, Pacific Fleet sailors, veterans and youth.
The commemorative ceremony is held annually on February 9 at the Marine cemetery in Vladivostok, it has become a tradition in the Pacific Fleet.