Information technology and society: National Forum for Information Security meeting in Moscow

7 February 2011
Source: Vesti

The jubilee, 10th meeting of the National Forum for Information Security “Infoforum-2011” opened February 7, 2011 in Moscow. According to its organizes, the major topic of the event – trust and security in information community.

During the “Infoforum-2011” heads of federal bodies and representatives of the leading Russian and international companies will discuss urgent questions of the development of the information security and information technologies in Russia, noted the members of the organizing committee.

On the agenda there are issues of electronic vote protection, problems of confidence in electronic trade and electronic government, modern approaches to the cybercriminals protection in the Internet.

At the Forum there also will be discussed the issues of innovation technologies for regional and municipal management, in particular, the “Safe city” program. Besides, the forum attendees will consider the problems of information security in such a prospective field as “cloud” calculations.

Over 300 experts for the Russian regions, other countries of the CIS and Europe are expected to attend the event. Among the participants – representatives of the world famous IT companies Microsoft and Oracle.