Internet resources: Well-known browsers continue to struggle for users

3 February 2011
Source: Compulenta

Net Applications company has evaluated the shares of the most popular browsers in January 2011. Internet Explorer still remains the most popular web observer. However its position has been seriously shaken, having dropped from 62.1% to 56.0%. In December 2010 Microsoft was controlling 57,1% of the market.

The share of Firefox, which is at the second place of the rating, is fluctuating around 22.8% for the second month in a row. The year before this rate was 24.4%. At the third place there is Google Chrome: for the first time the browser has stepped over 10%, having ended January with 10.7%. the year before this browser was the most popular among 5.2% Internet users.

The number of Apple Safari followers during the last month has increased from 5.9% to 6.3%. The share of Opera has increased from 2.2% to 2.3%; Opera Mini has slightly lost ground occupying 0.9% of the market against about 1.0% in December. All other browsers cover 1.1%.