History of Russia: Public hearings in Velikiy Novgorod mark 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood

2 February 2011

Public hearings “Preservation and popularization of historical and cultural heritage of ancient towns of Russia. Celebrating 1150th anniversary of the origin of Russian statehood” kicked off in Velikiy Novgorod on February 1 2011. The hearings have been jointly organized by the Interregional Public Foundation “National Glory Center” and Public Chamber of the Russian Federation with a support of Novgorod Oblast Administration.

“Public hearings bring into focus problems of preservation of cultural and historical heritage of ancient Russian towns in the context of developing foundations of national identity and public world outlook in modern Russia on the eve of 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood in 2012”, explained the spokesman of the Novgorod Oblast Committee for Culture, Tourism and Archives. Participants of the hearings discussed the prospects of establishment of a system which would enable to preserve and popularize historical heritage of ancient towns of Russia first mentioned in 9th c. chronicles. Within the framework of hearings scholars and officials delivered their reports on the state of preservation of cultural and historical heritage of Velikiy Novgorod, which among other ancient towns of Russia became one of the main centers of Russian statehood development. During the discussion special attention was brought to elimination of legal “gaps” in the field of preservation, revival and development of historical towns, as well as the matter of involving the youth in the practice of preservation of the cultural and historical heritage.