Internet resources: Movie about Gagarin’s first spaceflight to premiere on YouTube

27 March 2011
Source: Lenta.Ru

The movie “First Orbit” by Attic Room film company, which marks 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s space flight, will have a YouTube premiere on April 12, 2011.

The movie has become a result of cooperation between the film director Chris Riley, the European Space Agency and astronauts of the International Space Station. As the International Space Station followed the route of Gagarin’s first flight into space, astronaut Paolo Nespoli led the filming on the station. His photographs were combined with the documentary photographs of 1961.

“We combined historical voice recordings of Gagarin (with subtitles in English) with new pictures taken by Paolo. Video was then stitched together with a music soundtrack from the composer Philip Sheppard turning into a really fascinating film”, Chris Riley told.

The full version of the movie will be available on April 12 at Firstorbit YouTube. Now it offers movie’s three trailers.