Information technology and authority: Government of the Russian Federation approved the list of documents that are not to be demanded from citizens while using government services

24 March 2011
Source: TASS-Telecom

The RF government issued the instruction of March 17, 2011 N 442-р which approved the list of documents that agencies providing government services should exchange in electronic form.

The list includes 264 documents which the agencies should supply one to another while providing 42 government services. The instruction was issued in order to comply with the law “On organization of provision of government and municipal services” in accordance to which from July 1, 2011 government bodies are forbidden to demand from citizens applying for government services the information which the latter have provided to them earlier.

Among government services included into the list are: registration of transport facilities; official registration of pensions; official issue or exchange of passport of the RF citizen; registration of citizens by their residence; licensing of some businesses; medical and social examination; issue of driving licenses; registration of rights for immovable property and deals with it, etc.

According to the instruction, in two-month term federal bodies of executive power have to give in detail and coordinate the structure of information contained in the documents listed, as well as formats of data exchange.

In three-month tern the agencies receiving the data must submit to the Ministry of Mass Communications the coordinated structure and composition of the information. In addition, they have to submit to the Ministry of Economic Development proposals on introduction of necessary amendments to laws and legal acts meant to eliminate the demands of documents listed from citizens. A month after receiving the proposals the Ministry of Economic Development has to develop a plan of preparing drafts of necessary legal acts and submit the plan to the government for approval. Then, during a month after the approval of the legal acts, the agencies have to bring their internal regulatory acts in accord with them.

In addition, the instruction obliges federal bodies to submit in a six-month period the proposals on the expansion of the list of government services and documents in order for the agencies to exchange information in electronic form.