Internet resources: Tomsk launches virtual tour around one of its cathedrals

21 March 2011
Source: Interfax

The Epiphany Cathedral in Tomsk has unveiled a 3D tour around the cathedral available on its website.

“The tour includes six panoramic views: the courtyard, the bell tower, the narthex, the refectory, the chetverik and the chancel. Modern multimedia technologies create an effect of real presence and enable users to examine everything closely in a good resolution”, said the head of the Missionary Department of Tomsk diocese Maxim Stepanenko.

The tour gives a chance to see the cathedral’s building and decoration, learn about sacraments and main Orthodox feasts, cathedral’s shrines, unique paintings and icons. Authors of the project have prepared over 80 descriptions.

The tour is accompanied by Orthodox chants performed by choirs of Tomsk cathedrals. In addition, in the panoramic view of the bell tower you can move the cursor to the bell-ringer and choose from the drop-down list any of peals performed by Tomsk bell-ringers.