Internet resources: “Yandex” releases its online translator of texts

18 March 2011
Source: Lenta.Ru

“Yandex” has unveiled its new service “Yandex.Translation”, intended for translation of texts and web pages, which is based on its own machine translation system.

The machine translation system rests on statistics. Provided the contest, it chooses the most relevant variant of translation in each particular case. The statistics is accumulated as a result of analysis of a great deal of translated texts and their originals.

The head of the “Yandex.Translation” service Alexei Baitin recognizes that it is pointless to compare machine translation to the literary, though when user only needs to get a gist of a text this proves to be the most convenient variant.

“Yandex.Translation” beta version features Russian, English and Ukrainian languages. Texts in Russian may be translated into Ukrainian and English, texts in Ukrainian – into English, while English texts can be translated into the Russian language.

“Yandex” has its own search engine which is the most popular in Russia. As for January 2011 Liveinternet reads that “Yandex” processes 65% of all search queries on the Russian web.