Society and Book Culture: Scientific and practical conference “Orthodox book in modern world” launched in Moscow
On March 17, 2011 the Russian State Library, Editorial Board of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Department of Education of the City of Moscow are holding a scientific and practical conference “Orthodox book in modern world”.
The events are timed to the Orthodox Book Day which was established on December 25, 2009 by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. This holiday has been annually celebrated in March coinciding with the date of appearance of Russia’s first printed book “Apostle”, issued on March 14, 1564 by the first printer Ivan Feodorov.
The aim of the conference is to promote new cultural programs, introduction of hybrid libraries at schools, introduction of library prototypes for implementation of educational programs of different levels in all budgetary–funded spheres (education, culture and health care).
The event will also see charitable donation of books and a book sale featuring books-winners of the “Education through book” contest.