Society and Book Culture: Omsk celebrates the Orthodox Book Day
On March 14, 2011 the A.S. Pushkin State Regional library in Omsk is holding a series of events timed to the Orthodox Book Day. The decision on annual celebration of the Orthodox Book Day was taken in 2009 on the initiative of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The date of celebrations was chosen to coincide with the appearance of Russia’s first printed book “Apostle”, issued on March 14, 1564 by the first printer Ivan Feodorov.
On this day Omsk is launching a presentation of the book exhibition “Orthodox book: History and the Present”. It will for the first time display religious literature originating from libraries of pre-revolutionary Omsk (1756-1917) – all in all around 300 books. The exposition has been divided into three thematic sections: “Orthodox book of pre-revolutionary Russia, “Orthodox book of the Omsk-Tara diocese” (1895-1917; 1991-2009), “Contemporary Orthodox book of Russia” (1998-2010)
The program of the event also includes a roundtable discussion “Education through the book” which will bring into focus the following themes: “Printed and electronic Orthodox editions – a new stage in book’s existence”, “Orthodox motives in Russia’s book culture”, “Spiritual and moral education of the youth at library”.