IT and Authority: Federal portal of managerial staff to be launched
The Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media is in charge of technical support of the ‘Federal portal of managerial staff’, new federal information system. The resolution to establish the portal was made by the RF government. The decree of March 4, 2011 was signed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The portal is to ensure more efficient selection, professional training of the personnel at the government civil service.
The Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Median will provide technical support of the portal, and the Ministry of Health and Social Development will be in charge of its development. The project will be coordinated by the RF state machinery.
The portal has a general access section comprising:
- regulatory legal acts, information and reference, analytic and statistic materials on the government civil service in the RF;
- information on vacancies;
- electronic form of questionnaire for persons who initiated the placement of their personal information on the portal, and rules for its completion;
And a limited access section comprising:
- personal data of persons included into the federal reserve of managerial staff;
- personal data of persons who initiated the placement of their personal information on the portal;
- personal data of authorized officials;
- personal data of authorized employees;
- methodical information for authorized employees;
- analytical reports on the use of information resources of the portal for personnel work.
The access to the second section of the portal is provided via the ‘private office’. The access to the portal is free.
The Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media is obliged to put the portal into operation within a month.