Internet resources: Gmail to sort user’s mail by content

11 March 2011
Source: RIA News

Google has launched a complementary feature in Gmail called Smart Labels which helps classify and organize user’s mail by content; developers claim that this feature will help to save the time spent on reading of the correspondence.

Smart Labels automatically categorize incoming messages using three labels: “Notification”, “Bulk” and “Forum” messages. “Notifications” are messages sent to the user directly (for confirmation messages, alerts), “Bulk” mail includes any kind of mass mailing like newsletters and promotional email, and “Forums” is email from group mailing lists. These labels may be used as a supplement to labels previously used in Gmail: “Inbox”, “Spam” etc.

Labels can be seen in the message’s subject. An incoming letter may appear to have two labels and be available simultaneously in two folders.

The letters, marked by Gmail as “Bulk”, will be by default available only in the folder with the same name skipping the “Inbox” folder. This setting can be cancelled or applied to other labels. Users have an opportunity to label the incoming letters all by themselves, and later similar letters of the same sender will be labeled accordingly and shared between certain folders automatically. Gmail’s settings enable users to change the number and names of labels.

Google is convinced that users of the new Gmail’s service will spend less time on reading the incoming correspondence and will easily choose letters they take an interest in.

Along with Yahoo! Mail, Windows Live Hotmail and AOL Mail, Google mail service is among the world’s leading web mail providers.