World culture: one of the rarest incunabula discovered in the USA

26 April 2011
Source: Lenta.Ru

In the town of Sandy, Utah (USA), has been discovered one of the rare early printed books - published in 1493 in Germany's Nuremberg Chronicle. At the present in the world there are only about 700 copies of this book.

The book has been accidentally discovered by a bookseller from Salt Lake City, Ken Sanders, who has participated in fundraising activities for the local museum. The owner of the book, which had come to him by inheritance from his grandfather's cousin, was unaware of its true value. According to Sanders, he was amazed that such a rare book had been kept by a resident of a small town in the American West.

In the book found, more than half the pages ar missing, and it is not in the best condition, but, according to Sanders, the book is of great value to collectors.

"Nuremberg Chronicle" was written by Hartmann Schedel and printed by Anton Kobergerom. "Chronicle" is regarded as one of the first books illustrated in detail, published since the invention of printing (total, it contains more than two thousand illustrations). It is a historical book, which covers the period from the creation of the world to the end of the 15th century. Special value contributes the fact that it contains descriptions of many European cities with detailed maps.