Information technology and power: The List of basic state information resources approved

25 April 2011

Government Decree № 654-r dated April 15, 2011 "On the basic state information resources" has approved a list of basic public information resources used at the provision of public services.

Basic resources, used in the provision of public services, include 11 resources, such as the Unified State Register of legal persons, Address register, the Register of motor and auto vehicles, the Uniform State Register of real estate rights and transactions, State Real Estate Cadastre, the Unified State Register of Taxpayers and number of others.

Federal executive authorities and the Russian Federation Pension Fund, holders of basic resources, have been given a series of instructions. In particular, they must ensure non-stop continuous electronic access to basic resources, reliability, completeness and timeliness of information provided. Executive authorities are required to register messages on the revealed errors and incomplete information.

Federal Tax Service, Rosreestr, Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation should publish on their official websites the information about basic resources before May 1, 2011. From July 1, interested bodies and organizations should already be provided an opportunity to request   information about the persons and (or) about the objects and identifiers in electronic form. Russian Interior Ministry is ordered to put into operation an information system, which will form the roster of registered motor and auto vehicles not later than 6 months after the entry into force of the law regulating these issues.  

The federal bodies of executive power, exercising the legal regulation concerning the establishment and functioning of government information systems that contain basic resources must submit, in a 2-month period, to the Government draft acts necessary for implementation of this regulation.

Implementation of the regulation will contribute to the speedy implementation of the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System, which in turn should ensure the optimal interaction of agencies while providing public and municipal services in electronic form.