Russian culture abroad: Russian Culture and Education Center has opened in Beijing

25 April 2011

The Russian State Humanities University has opened in the Beijing University of International Business and Economics the Center for Russian Culture and Education. The ceremony was attended by Rector of RGGU Efim Pivovar and Rector of Beijing University Lin Guytszyun.

According to the rector of the State Humanitarian University, the Agreement on exchange of teachers with China is being developed, as well as the opening of Master's programs that stipulate obtaining of double diplomas – that of the State Humanitarian University and of the Beijing University of International Business and Economics.

Our students will have the opportunity to become professionals in the field of Russian language, history, economy and culture of Russia, said Lin Guytszyun.

Great importance will be given to cooperation and exchanges between historians, archivists of the two countries since the modern State Humanitarian University has grown from a Historical-Archival Institute. Specialists in this field, according to E. Pivovar, could engage each other in improvement of skills courses.