IT and Law: International Theoretical and Practical Conference “Law in Digital Environment”

21 April 2011

April 21-22, 2011 Moscow is hosting the International Theoretical and Practical Conference “Law in Digital Environment”.

The conference has been organized by the Law Faculty and Laboratory for Information Law of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”.

At the post-industrial stage of the information society and knowledge society arises a question of further development of law under changed conditions. New concepts are being introduced, new areas of law are emerging. The category of information rights is coming in the forefront.

The whole set of problems require a comprehensive analysis, a comprehensive approach. The International Conference “Law in Digital Environment” aims to generalize current practice, identify the most problematic areas, work out proposals for further development of legislation.

The program of the conference includes a plenary meeting and sections which have attracted leading Russian experts, statesmen and public figures, and specialists from the USA, France, Germany and Belgium.

Sections address the following topical issues of law development in the information society:

- Legal aspects of e-government building (electronic document management in public sphere, legislative regulation of e-public services, transparency of e-government).

- Modern copyright: comparative legal aspects (copyright reform under conditions of IT development, problem of responsibility for copyright infringement, database protection).

- Cyber security and personal data protections (legislation on personal data protection, the concept of personal data; problems of personal data protection in various social spheres under conditions of IT development).