Prime Minister of Russia: Vladimir Putin calls for public debate on all socially significant bills

21 April 2011

In his annual address to the parliament April 20, 2011 the Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin proposed involving citizens of our country in development of legal acts.

The Prime Minister proposed developing a procedure for online discussion of socially significant legislation and for online voting on the most sound ideas. He is convinced that online discussion will bring together lots of experts and citizens.

– Implementation of modern Information Technologies makes it possible, – Vladimir Putin said.

– I suggest that bills be available online and that the most sensible and appealing proposals be voted on electronically. Let it be participants of the discussion to decide which proposals seem most valuable, – V. Putin added.

The Prime Minister of Russia also came up with a proposal to increase financing of Russian culture from 2012, and in the future – work out a public program “Culture of Russia”.