History of Russia: Monument to Pyotr Stolypin will be erected in Moscow

20 April 2011

In commemoration of 150th anniversary of Pyotr Stolypin Moscow will erect a monument at the White House. Due in 2012 the monument will be dedicated to the prominent statesman and reformer, Minister of Internal Affairs, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russia in the beg. 20th c. Such a decision was made by the Moscow City Duma Commission for Monumental Art.

May 3, 2011 it is planned to lay the foundation stone on the site of the future monument. “The idea was supported by the Moscow City Administration, approved by the Department of Finance, Department of Culture, Moscow Architecture Committee, prefecture of Central Administrative District. Members of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Monumental Art also supported the idea and approved the place for the monument”, Moscow City Duma’s spokesmen said.