World libraries: BFI and British Library join forces to increase access to their unique collections

16 April 2011

April 13, 2011 the British Film Institute (BFI) and the British Library signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with the objective of increasing public, professional and research access to audiovisual and broadcast content and integrating it with other knowledge collections.

The MOU outlines key areas for joint strategic thinking, including public access, rights management and digitisation. Managed by a joint steering committee, this new partnership will look at ways the UK’s leading custodians of the nation’s audiovisual and broadcast heritage can meet the challenges of collecting, preserving and providing contemporary and long term access to their unique collections in the digital age, for the benefit of research and the wider public.

Both organisations aim to explore areas such as: collecting policies; contributing to IPR and copyright discussions; metadata and resource discovery; how new digital technologies and enhanced physical spaces can improve access to film and television content; digital and paper conservation; exhibitions and public programmes; and how both institutions can offer services for the creative industries.

Dame Lynne Brindley, CEO of the British Library, said: “As stated in the Library’s 2020 Vision, providing increased access to broadcast and audiovisual collections is one of our primary goals. This innovative partnership follows on from our MOU with the BBC and demonstrates our commitment to working with other major national institutions for the benefit of researchers.”