International events: Conference “State in 21st century” in Moscow
April 13, 2011 Moscow is launching a conference called “State in 21st century”, which brings into focus implementation of eGovernment in Russia.
This is a forum which attracts Russian and foreign experts of different fields of activities: state power, IT-industry, science, non-commercial sector.
Within the framework of the event participants will discuss issues related to building of information society in Russia, enhanced development of eGovernment services, economy’s modernization and country’s innovative development.
“State in 21st century” enters the network of international conferences which center around issues of eGovernment and new ways of interaction between the state and society. Previously held in the USA, Canada, France, Mexico, Germany, Portugal, these events contributed to establishment of an expert community and rapprochement of the state and society in building of eGovernment and development of information society.
The event is starting long before the official opening – in blogs of expert community and social media. Modern tools – social networks and Information Technologies – open opportunities for attracting wide public to the subject of the conference and as a result, more efficient interaction between state, business and society in 21st century.
The conference “State in 21st century” will feature three sections:
- “eGovernment”;
- “State and society 2.0”;
- “State and innovations”.
Each section will feature expert reports, panel and roundtable discussions. High on the agenda are – eGovernment architecture at federal, regional and municipal levels; building of information society in regions of Russia; development of innovative eco-system in Russia in the eyes of officials, business and society; as well as “cloud computing”, “open data”, “officials and blogs” and many others.