Information technology and society: Legal entities will be provided government services via the single portal
In the near future the single portal of government services will serve not only individuals via their “My Office” facility, but also legal entities, said Ilya Massukh, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Mass Communications, at the meeting of the Government Committee for federal communication and technological issues of informatization April 8, 2011.
According to the Minister Deputy, legal entities will have an opportunity to submit to the portal tax declarations, documents to the Pension Fund, Goskomstat (State Committee for Statistics), other agencies. “The list of services for legal entities is almost as expansive as for citizents”, - noted I. Massukh.
Registration of legal entities on the portal will differ from the previous order of registration for citizens. The legal entities do not need to receive by mail the authorization code; electronic digital signature will suffice. This opportunity was provided to them by the new law “On the electronic signature” signed by the President April 7, 2011.