Libraries of Russia: May 27 – All-Russian Library Day

27 May 2011

Today, May 27, all Russian librarians are celebrating their professional holiday – All-Russian Library Day, or the Librarian Day.

The Librarian Day is timed to the foundation anniversary of the first state public library in Russia on May 27, 1795. The National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg – is the oldest state library of Russia, the second largest library judging by the funds in Russia, one of the world’s largest information and bibliography institutions, Russian center for research in library science, bibliography and bibliology.

However the very first library in Russia was set up by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 at the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.

An official status of the professional holiday the Librarian Day acquired on May 27, 1995 by Decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin “On establishment of the All-Russian Library Day”.