IT and Education: 23 Russian regions join e-record book and class register system

26 May 2011

In progress is the connection of schools to “ClassInfo”, the system of electronic school record books and class registers, developed by “Electronic school” specialists. At present 23 regions of Russia have become its active users.

“ClassInfo” – is a common information environment which ensures active interaction between pupils, their parents and school representatives. This is an effective tool enabling to control attendance and progress in studies. “Electronic record books and class registers open up an opportunity of virtual communication with parents, who can stay up-to-date with all events taking place at school, look through marks of their children and teachers’ comments”, says Yevgeny Filonov, headmaster of a secondary school in Meshchevsk district, Kaluga Oblast.

“ClassInfo” information environment enables parents to study the record book with marks and homework, stay in contact with teachers, receive teachers’ messages whether via E-mail or cell phone. “ClassInfo” system helps school headmasters control the workload of pupils and teachers, create various reports – says Deputy Director General “Electronic school” Natalya Kukhlenko. – More and more schools are keeping up with the time and are using Information Technologies in order to maximize the learning process”.