IT and Libraries: New York Public Library releases its iPad app
The New York Public Library (NYPL), celebrating its centennial this year, is embracing the capabilities of tablets with an iPad app called “Biblion: The Boundless Library”. Their subject, "The World of Tomorrow: Exploring the 1939-40 World's Fair Collection" is appropriate, given that the centerpiece of their centennial celebration is the “Find the Future” exhibition.
This extensive collection is packed with photos, videos, books, documents, and even radio recordings connected with the World's Fair, and the app makes it easy to browse and explore. It takes advantage of the iPad's unique capabilities to go from browsing through photographs to reading letters. All the information is presented in a logical way based on the library's stacks, so it will seem familiar even to those who aren't used to using a tablet.
The NYPL is planning to launch several more apps in the upcoming months, including a game and an interactive app for checking library patrons' accounts and reserving books.