IT and Copyright: Roundtable discussion in Moscow addresses intellectual property issues

13 May 2011

May 13, 2011 at 11 a.m. the Russian Association of Digital Libraries website launched a live webcast of the roundtable discussion “Intellectual (private) property: incentive or hindrance to progress of the knowledge society?”, which took place as a part of the International theoretical and practical conference “Strategy of advanced development – III” (lessons of Soviet and post-Soviet modernizations).

The meeting addressed the following issues:

- Knowledge:  borders of accessibility.

- Intellectual property: incentive or restraint on creativity?

- Intellectual rent: who gets it?

- Creator: a master of intellectual product or a wage-worker?

- Copyright and intellectual benefits accessibility.

International theoretical and practical conference “Strategy of advanced development – III” (lessons of Soviet and post-Soviet modernizations) is running May 12-13, 2011 in Moscow.

The conference is a so-called fruit of a 10-year series of discussions focused on working out of a specific development strategy for Russia. A special feature of this conference is a focus on analysis of negative and positive experience of the USSR, whose dissolution took place two decades ago, as well as a traditional joining of Russian and International contexts.

The conference has invited leading scholars of research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University, leading scientific and educational centers of regions of Russia, State Duma deputies, representatives of public associations, foreign scholars.