Libraries of Russia: 200th foundation anniversary of the main Russian Book Stock of the National Library of Russia

11 May 2011

May 11, 2011 the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg), Main building, is holding anniversary readings which mark 200 years since foundation of the Russian Book Stock of the National Library of Russia “All Russian Books…”

May 11, 1811 Director of the Imperial Library Alexei N. Olenin issued a decree on collection of Russian language books in a special department. Foundation of an independent Russian book collection stressed the national character of the Public Library.

Russian Book Stock is located in the library’s oldest, corner building at the intersection of Nevsky Avenue and Sadovaya Street. The stock encompasses over 8 million copies of documents in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages since 1725 up to present day.  Among the stock’s book treasures are works by Russian poets and writers, enlighteners, historians, philosophers. Many of documents originating from the Russian Book Stock may be by right considered unique, as over 400 rare editions dated 18th c. are housed only in the National Library of Russia.

The anniversary readings have brought together custodians of the Russian Book Stock of the National Library of Russia, who are constantly working to identify documents bearing commemorative inscriptions, autographs, owners’ stamp and print bookplates, and reconstruct private libraries.

Reports delivered at anniversary readings are dedicated to the history of the department and its collections, including unknown ones.