Libraries of Russia: Rare war-time books go on display in Yekaterinburg
May 5, 2011 Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Young Adults launched an exhibition which celebrates 100th anniversary of the secret service agent Nikolai Kuznetsov. It reveals rare war-time books.
– This exhibition features mainly war-time books. They are not only recollections about Kuznetsov, but also books the legendary secret service agent was fond of reading as a child. For example, one of the rare exhibits is Nekrasov’s book, which was published in beg. 1930s – said the Head of Library’s Reading Programs Sector Tatyana Shmotyeva.
One of the most interesting exhibits of the exposition – is a rare book “Eyes and ears of the Red Army” which came out in 1942. This is an edition intended for children which describes the uniform and arms of the Nazi soldier, combat tactics of the German army.