Peoples of Russia: “Path to Church” exhibition in Chuvashia

6 May 2011

May 6, 2011 the Chuvash State Art Museum (Cheboksary) is opening an exhibition “Path to Church”, which has been organized by the Art Museum jointly with “Cultural Heritage” International Foundation.

The exposition showcases over 200 paintings and drawings, pieces of icon painting, books, sculpture and decorative and applied arts from 17th c. up to present day originating from the collections of the museum, “Cultural Heritage” International Foundation, Union of Artists of the Chuvash Republic.

The project’s idea is to show spiritual beauty of Russian and Chuvash national culture, value of Orthodox traditions. Organizers believe that this task can be fulfilled by artworks featuring images of churches and monasteries. Authors of pictures are artists from different corners of Russia and Chuvashia, who are keen on the subject of Orthodox spirituality. The project’s geography is wide, covering Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Samara, St. Petersburg.

“Cultural Heritage” International Foundation has provided 32 works by artists from Kiev, Penza, Saransk, Syzran, Ulyanovsk.

The centerpiece of the exposition are sculptures of angels by Afanasy Fadeev and a six-winged cherub (by unknown master), dating back to middle 19th c. For two years these priceless works had been being restored at the Grabar Scientific and Restoration Center (Moscow) following the federal target program “Culture of Russia” (2006-2010)”. In 2011 the project for restoration of the wooden church sculpture was completed and angels returned home.