History of Russia: History of the Kuril Islands go under the spotlight at the exhibition in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
May 4, 2011 the exhibition hall of the Friendship House in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is launching an exhibition which puts the spotlight on the Kuril Islands Landing operation of 1945.
The exhibition has been initiated by members of the unofficial though popular in Kamchatka annual historical Kamchatka-Kuril Expedition, which has been exploring the Kuril Islands for many years.
The exhibition releases a great deal of photographs which show Japanese fortifications, which have survived almost in ideal condition, shells of various calibers, fragments of Japanese ships and planes, items of everyday life of Japanese soldiers. All these exhibits were specially brought by members of the Kamchatka-Kuril Expedition from their last visit to the islands.