History of Russia: Exhibition “Blades of Zlatoust” in Saratov

4 May 2011

May 4, 2011 Saratov State Museum of Military Glory is opening an exhibition “Blades of Zlatoust”. The exhibition project has been jointly organized by Saratov State Museum of Military Glory, Zlatoust Local Lore Museum and “Praktika” Art workshop (Zlatoust).

The exhibition showcases over 50 examples of cold weapon dated 19th-21st cc. Works of Zlatoust armorers familiarize with a unique kind of arts and crafts – Zlatoust steel-engraving. This original technique originated as an art of decorating cold weapon in beg. 19th c., when an Arms factory which produced weapons for Russian Army and Navy opened in Zlatoust. Zlatoust steel-engraving school absorbed richest traditions of Russian, West European and Eastern armorers.

The exhibition at the museum puts on show examples of decorated cold weapon: dirks, broadswords, sabers, daggers, swords and hunting knives. Among dirks can be distinguished the last work of the workshop – the dirk “50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s flight into space”.