Memory of Russia: Festival of small towns “Gardarike” kicks off in Pskov
The Festival of small towns of Pskov Oblast “Gardarike” is opening May 1, Pskov, on Zolotaya quay.
The main action is taking place in “Pskov courts”, where participants – small towns of Pskov Oblast are presenting their culture, history and traditions showing performances of creative teams in national costumes, reconstruction of rituals etc.
On the “REconstruction” platform members of historical re-enactment clubs have set up a medieval encampment. Every spectator has a chance to see not only hand-to-hand fights, single combats, folk tales and legends, but also hold a sword, shoot a bow and arrow and a crossbow.
While on the “Skobari” site visitors can familiarize themselves with skills of smiths, Pskov land has been famous for since time immemorial. Here they can take part in a master class in smithery, forge a Pskov coin or a nail, or buy a souvenir.
The festival has been organized by the State Committee of Pskov Oblast for Tourism, Investments and Development with support of Pskov City Administration.