IT and Cartography: Digital World Map Edition updated

30 June 2011
Source: GeoCommunity

Germany's largest market research institute GfK GeoMarketing has unveiled its new and completely overhauled digital World Map Edition. This global edition includes all map updates of the past several years, including those for Asia, America and Africa. As such, the GfK World Map Edition is the most comprehensive digital map collection of postal and municipal boundaries currently available on the market as well as topographic information.

Key features of the maps include comprehensive digitization, seamlessly fitting national and regional borders and depiction of the latest boundary status. This latter characteristic is particularly important, because outdated maps lead to errors when carrying out software-based analyses. Postcode maps comprise an indispensable basis for regional analyses, because almost all company data is associated with postcodes. Researching the latest status of postal boundaries is very challenging in many countries, because even boundary information from official sources can be outdated by several years or can only be digitized with reference to other sources. GfK GeoMarketing specializes in the creation of postcode and municipal maps and continually updates its maps for more than 240 countries via its own in-house cartography division.

The World Map Edition includes postal boundaries for all European countries, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa and America. The most detailed postal boundaries are depicted for all European countries.

GfK GeoMarketing's World Map Edition also contains a comprehensive array of topographic features. Map layers depicting cities organized by number of inhabitants as well as streets, rivers and lakes are included for almost all countries in the world. In the case of European countries, additional features are depicted such as elevation levels and city areas.