Russian language: Federal target program for the Russian language development gets approved

29 June 2011

The Russian government has adopted the Federal target program for the Russian language development for 2011-2015.

The Ministry of Education and Science, which has prepared the program, claims that it aims to preserve, support and promote Russian language, including compatriots living abroad, in particular in CIS countries.

It is expected that the Russian language information resources will raise by 2.7 times, the number of teachers, who have undergone training programs in Russian language teaching, will grow by 3.5 times, the number of textbooks and materials for Russian language as foreign will increase by 2.25 times.

The new program is worth 2 526.66 billion rubles, the federal budget will allocate 2 179.1 million rubles. The regional budget will back the program’s implementation with 142.16 million rubles, while 205.4 million rubles will be received from the non-budget sources.