IT and Authority: Russian Foreign Ministry launches Twitter page

29 June 2011
Source: TASS Telecom

On June 29, 2011 the Foreign Ministry of Russia officially opened its Twitter account to deliver up-to-date information on the foreign policy of the country.

The Ministry reported that “official accounts are available in Russian and English: MID_RF and MFA_Russia”. So far Twitter users may see the welcome phrase only.

Later “the Ministry’s news blogs will feature constantly updated thesis information focused on Russia’s foreign policy, its approaches to major events of international relations and announcements of events where top officials of the Russia’s Ministry participate”, the source read.

“The new resource is aimed at wide audience, and we hope, it will prove useful to the Russians staying abroad: subscribers will be able to receive information on their cell phones and communicators in case of emergencies in the countries where they are at the moment”, the Foreign Ministry stated.

“Any other records claiming they are “the Foreign Ministry accounts” are false”, the Ministry announced.