Presidential Library: Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation with the Bavarian State Library

27 June 2011

On June 28, 2011, Munich, the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library and the Bavarian State Library (die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) are going to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation. The ceremony is expected to bring together Director General of the Bavarian State Library Dr. Rolf Griebel, Director General of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library Prof. Alexander Vershinin, and Consul General of the Russian Federation in Munich Andrei Grozov.

The MOU provides a wide exchange of digital documents on the history of Russia, joint projects, exhibitions and conferences, as well as promotion of professional exchange between librarians. The collaboration between the libraries of Germany and Russia is expected to improve research in Eastern Europe.

The Bavarian State Library boasts to keep the best collection on the history of Russia in the Western Europe, and more than that, it is the leader in digitization of library holdings in Germany. Its holdings feature over 10 million books, at least 57 500 current periodicals, both printed and electronic, and approx. 94 thousand manuscripts, what makes it one of the world’s most important scientific centers.