Society and Media abroad: American news website, The Huffington Post, launches its British counterpart

23 June 2011
Source: Lenta.Ru

On July 6 The Huffington Post - American news website - is launching its British counterpart. UK site is said to take the same format of the US version, which would be a combination of original news reporting with blogging.

The Huffington Post founder, Arianna Huffington, told that the recently unveiled Canadian version of the newspaper proved to be a huge success. After Great Britain the national Huffington Post will appear in France, to be followed by Latin America, India and Australia. By the end of the year owners of the edition are going to mount 12 national counterparts of The Huffington Post.

The Huffington Post website was founded in May 2005. In February 2011 AOL purchased the resource for $315 million. The founder and chief editor of the resource Arianna Huffington was appointed the president and chief editor of the Huffington Post Media Group, founded under the terms of a new deal.

The Huffington Post is one of the most popular websites in the United States – in May it attracted 35,6 million unique visitors.