Museums: Rare books go on display at Adler History Museum

9 June 2011

An exposition “Book – the source of wisdom” is timed to the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture. Books, magazines, encyclopedias which have been put on show at the museum, were printed and published between late 19th c. – mid. 20th c. The exhibition includes Bibles in German, a prayer book in Hebrew with Rosenstein’s comments, books on housekeeping, “Solntse Rossii” (“The Sun of Russia”) magazines, which came out in 1914 featuring photographs of war correspondents, articles and drawings by witnesses of World War I. 

What did our ancestors take an interest in? What kind of stories they were keen on? To find answers to these questions you need to take a look at read to tatters and smudges “Desk encyclopedia”, an old atlas, and collected fiction stories. 

Another exposition showcases books and textbooks dated 1930’s-40’s. Collected documents and materials “Struggle for Soviet power in Kuban” presents one of viewpoints on Civil war on the Black Sea coast of Russia. Books on warfare strategy, judging by the state of their covers, seem to help many commanders choose the correct strategy. 

The exhibition of rare books will prove interesting to all those who are keen on the history of Sochi and book printing.