IT and Society: UN declares Internet access basic human right

8 June 2011
Source: Lenta.Ru

The United Nations has declared Internet access one of basic human rights, reads the UN report which was released at the meeting of the organization on June 3, 2011.

Thus, from June 2011 disconnection of certain regions from Internet is considered violation of human rights. The report also calls to states to repeal or change existing laws on copyright protection, which enable to disconnect users from Internet and refrain from adopting such laws.

Under the UN document dissemination of information on Internet must be absolutely free, restricted only in cases when it may violate someone’s rights. A case in point is leakage of information as a result of cyber attacks.

Principles, similar to the position of the United Nations, have entered the US new cyber strategy, adopted in mid. May 2011. The document, approved by the US Department of States, in particular, features such positions like ensuring universal Internet access and cooperation with resources and organizations, which contribute to expression of public opinion via Internet.