Society and Culture: Concept of Culture Development in St. Petersburg approved

8 June 2011

High on the agenda at the meeting of St. Petersburg City Administration, June 7, 2011, was discussion of the Concept of Culture Development in St. Petersburg for 2012-2014.

The concept, which underwent preliminary discussion and agreement with leading authorities on culture of St. Petersburg, was presented by the Chairman of the Committee on Culture Anton Gubankov. It highlights 10 priority areas, most important of them are: shaping of cultural image as the city’s key competitive advantage; preservation of cultural and historical heritage of St. Petersburg; support of gifted children; assistance to NGO culture sector.

The concept provides significant increase in funding of all 10 areas, as well as salary increase of certain categories of cultural workers, first and foremost, librarians.

The governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko, approved the revealed concept on the whole, and stressed that the program featuring priority areas must be worked out in two months. It is necessary to do before the 2012 city’s budget approval.

Valentina Matvienko also highlighted the necessity to allocate enough resources for restoration of the state museum-reserve “Gatchina”. The governor mentioned that restoration of Gatchina complex must be completed.

St. Petersburg City Administration has approved the Concept of Culture Development in St. Petersburg for 2012-2014.