History of Russia: Stone Age monuments unearthed in Kaliningrad Oblast

6 June 2011

Scholars of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (BFU) have unearthed three new archaeological Stone Age monuments, dated early Mesolithic (about 12 thousand years ago) in Kaliningrad Oblast.

In particular researchers have discovered tools made of silicon.

The staff of the Ocean Geography Department has been carrying out archaeological expeditions in Oblast since 2006. So far archaeologists have succeeded in discovering dozens of archaeological monuments.

“Soon will be available new results of completed work – valuable scientific data on the nature of our region in “late Ice Age” – helping us to affirm that the first human in this territory had appeared several thousand years earlier than previously thought”, said the head of the project, assistant professor of the Ocean Geography Department Olga Druzhinina.

“Results of our work will perfectly complement the paleographic and archaeological data on Baltic territory in the Stone Age, being developed by foreign colleagues from Lithuania, Poland, Germany. We are looking for any new information regarding the material and spiritual life of the first people, appearing in Kaliningrad Oblast”, Olga Druzhinina added.

Researchers have already created the first in Kaliningrad Oblast e-database and a special digital map “Stone Age Monuments of Kaliningrad Oblast”. Jointly with the Vishtynetsky Ecological Museum they plan to launch an exposition dedicated to the Stone Age monuments unearthed at the examined territory.