International events: Sixth Europe-Russia Forum “Partnership for modernization” in Warsaw

1 June 2011
Source: Polit.Ru

May 31 – June 1, 2011 Warsaw is holding 6th Europe-Russia Forum “Partnership for modernization”, which has been organized by Warsaw Institute for Eastern Studies. Such events take place annually or biennially in various European cities. The event enables parties (representatives of the EU and Russia respectively) to share their views on different issues, thus improving the level of mutual awareness.

Forum brings together Russian and European politicians, state officials, political scientists, journalists who discuss modernization as a factor of building “European Union – Russia Common space”.

Following a tradition the forum kicks off with a presentation of “Report on transformation” – which is the project of the Institute for Eastern Studies. On the first day were scheduled plenary discussions “Russia in 21st Century. Expectations and Projects” and “European Union and Russia: Common Values”. 

The discussions at the forum are mainly non-politics centered. Participants rather take an interest in other issues: “In the rapidly changing global economic situation Europe is playing a major role, with economies of the European Union and Russian Federation occupying a special place. On the one hand, they differ in high level of complementarity, mutual co-operation and dependence, and on the other hand, rather significant differentiation. The economies of states, situated between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, though are liable to various shocks, are choosing alike and common ways out of crisis contributing to successful development”.