IT and History: 3D-project of an ancient Hunnic settlement to appear in Buryatia

31 July 2011
Source: RIA Novosti

A 3D-project of an ancient settlement of the Huns is to appear by September in Buryatia when archaeological excavations in Dzhida district and examinations of an ancient settlement on the border of Ulan-Ude are over, said the head of the public organization “Hunnic International Foundation” Oleg Bulutov.

The Hunnic Empire was appearing in 2nd–4th cc. within the territory of the present-day Buryatia. The republic boasts over 100 unique monuments of this ancient culture.

“The staff of the Institute for History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg is turning to volunteers in Ulan-Ude to undertake excavations that would help to provide new unknown details in the history of the Hunnic state, - Oleg Bulutov said.

The 3D-model of the Hunnic settlement will be put on show in the city hall of Ulan-Ude to coincide with the celebration of the Republic’s Capital City Day on September 4.

The project is relying on the study of the federal archaeological monument “Hunnic settlement of Suzha”, that is over 2000 years old. It is located on the border of Ulan-Ude. Since the 1920s here have been conducted excavations, which have so far covered only one third of the territory.

There have been discovered several types of dwelling, the system of fortifications, crafts and metal workshops in the ancient settlement. The archaeologist, staff member of the Institute for History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg Sergei Minyaev has presumed that Ulan-Ude was founded by the Huns, and it may be considered as one of the most ancient cities of Russia.

This idea is supported by Buryat scholars as well. If the historical connection between the ancient settlement and the modern city is proved, Ulan-Ude may grow older to reach 2000 years.