World History: Exhibition in Madrid casts light on archaeological center of Teotihuacan

30 July 2011

An exhibition called “Teotihuacan, City of the Gods”, that is dedicated to the first large city of the western hemisphere, is running in Madrid. Being of the same age as Ancient Rome, it is situated to the north-east of Mexico City, and once was the sixth-largest in the world. Literally its name means the “birthplace of the Gods”. Now it is a large archaeological center, catalogued as World Heritage by UNESCO.

This is the most complete collection of ancient art articles, unearthed over a century of archaeological excavations. The show features some 400 pieces. The exposition illustrates the cultural diversity of this ancient city, its ideology, art, religion, traditions, everyday life and shows its influence on other pre-Hispanic civilizations. The works featured in the exhibition show extraordinary refinement and a cosmopolitan spirit, open to the most important cultures in Central America. Following Madrid the exhibition will be staged in Paris, Berlin, Rome and other European cities. It is expected to draw 350,000 visitors.