Internet and Law: Ministry of Finance announced official website to collect information on establishment and operation of state-owned institutions

26 July 2011
Source: TASS Telecom

The Ministry of Finance of Russia has approved the official website that would contain information on establishment and operation of state-owned institutions, reads the Order of the Ministry of Finance of July 21 posted on the Ministry’s website on July 25, 2011.

The document reads that from January 1, 2012 the official website at will collect information on federal state-owned institutions, state-owned institutions of constituent territories of the Russian Federation, local state-owned institutions and their detached subdivisions, on autonomous institutions set up on the basis of state-owned property, and autonomous institutions. What is more, the website will provide information on institutions established on the basis of property held by constituent territories of the Russian Federation and their subdivisions.

The order of placing information does not apply to information that makes up the state secret. “The Federal Treasury is charged with placing the information on institutions on the official website and running the website”, the Order reads.

In particular, the website will post decisions of the founder on the institution’s establishment, constituent documents and changes introduced into them, certificates of state registration, decisions of the founder concerning the appointment of the institution’s head, regulations on branches and representative offices, information on members of the Supervisory Council of the autonomous institution, accounts, information on inspections.