Regions of Russia: Virtual tour to holy places of Barnaul

18 July 2011

The Church of Dmitry of Rostov, the Church of John the Baptist, the Church of John the Apostle – these are the holy places of Barnaul. Library № 16 in Vostochny village has organized a virtual tour to holy places for their patrons.

The library has been conducting such an educational work since spring. A video clip on the history of religion in Altai has opened many interesting facts for residents of Barnaul, for example, many of them learned that this year the Church of Dmitry of Rostov will celebrate 180th anniversary.

On Orthodoxy and holy places in Barnaul spoke the pro-rector of Barnaul theological seminary Father Sergius. He says that before the revolution Barnaul had 20 churches and up to 10 chapels, but after the revolution their number dropped dramatically. Today the faith is slowly becoming an integral part of citizens’ lives, and our city has 10 churches and several chapels. “Every person – is a church of the Holy Spirit, while the church – is the people of God, - Father Sergius says, - even if people are trying to find shortcomings in the church. But if we notice these shortcomings, it means that they are in ourselves”. Orthodox priest is convinced that sacred places – is what is full with the grace of God. Meanwhile, the history of Rus abounds in facts of their falsification – after the revolution this oversight was used by the Bolsheviks for their purposes. Father Sergius lamented that most parents have not supported introduction of basics of Orthodox culture at schools, which could have brought the growing generation to understand the Orthodox branch of religion.